Venture into the vibrant world of emojis that start with the letter P! From the colorful 🦜 Parrot to the tropical 🌴 Palm Tree, and the cheerful 🥳 Partying Face, and the energetic 🤸 Person Cartwheeling, immerse yourself in this lively collection. Copy and paste your favorite P-emojis to inject fun and excitement into your messages and posts! 🌟🔍👉
Emoji that Start with P
🅿 P button
📦 Package
📄 Page facing up
📃 Page with curl
📟 Pager
🖌 Paintbrush
🌴 Palm tree
🤲 Palms up together
🥞 Pancakes
🐼 Panda
📎 Paperclip
🦜 Parrot
〽 Part alternation mark
🎉 Party popper
🥳 Partying face
🛳 Passenger ship
🛂 Passport control
⏸ Pause button
🐾 Paw prints
☮ Peace symbol
🍑 Peach
🦚 Peacock
🥜 Peanuts
🍐 Pear
🖊 Pen
✏ Pencil
🐧 Penguin
😔 Pensive face
👯 People with bunny ears
🤼 People wrestling
🎭 Performing arts
😣 Persevering face
🧑 Person
🚴 Person biking
⛹ Person bouncing ball
🙇 Person bowing
🤸 Person cartwheeling
🧗 Person climbing
🤦 Person facepalming
🤺 Person fencing
🙍 Person frowning
🙅 Person gesturing NO
🙆 Person gesturing OK
💇 Person getting haircut
💆 Person getting massage
🏌 Person golfing
🛌 Person in bed
🧘 Person in lotus position
🧖 Person in steamy room
🤹 Person juggling
🏋 Person lifting weights
🚵 Person mountain biking
🤾 Person playing handball
🤽 Person playing water polo
🙎 Person pouting
🙋 Person raising hand
🚣 Person rowing boat
🏃 Person running
🤷 Person shrugging
🏄 Person surfing
🏊 Person swimming
🛀 Person taking bath
💁 Person tipping hand
🚶 Person walking
👳 Person wearing turban
👱 Person: blond hair
🧫 Petri dish
⛏ Pick
🥧 Pie
🐖 Pig
🐷 Pig face
🐽 Pig nose
💩 Pile of poo
💊 Pill
🎍 Pine decoration
🍍 Pineapple
🏓 Ping pong
🏴☠️ Pirate flag
♓ Pisces
🔫 Pistol
🍕 Pizza
🛐 Place of worship
▶ Play button
⏯ Play or pause button
🥺 Pleading face
➕ Plus sign
🚓 Police car
🚨 Police car light
👮 Police officer
🐩 Poodle
🎱 Pool 8 ball
🍿 Popcorn
🏤 Post office
📯 Postal horn
📮 Postbox
🍲 Pot of food
🚰 Potable water
🥔 Potato
🍗 Poultry leg
💷 Pound banknote
😾 Pouting cat
😡 Pouting face
📿 Prayer beads
🤰 Pregnant woman
🥨 Pretzel
🤴 Prince
👸 Princess
🖨 Printer
🚫 Prohibited
💜 Purple heart
👛 Purse
📌 Pushpin
🧩 Puzzle piece