Wander into the world of emojis that start with the letter W! From the adventurous 🚵♀️ Mountain Biking Woman to the friendly 👋 Waving Hand, and the indulgent 🍷 Wine Glass, and the playful 😜 Face with Stuck-Out Tongue, immerse yourself in this lively collection. Copy and paste your favorite W-emojis to add a sense of adventure and amusement to your messages and posts! 🌟🔍👇
Emoji that Start with W
🌘 Waning crescent moon
🌖 Waning gibbous moon
⚠ Warning
🗑 Wastebasket
⌚ Watch
🐃 Water buffalo

🚾 Water closet
🌊 Water wave
🍉 Watermelon
👋 Waving hand
〰 Wavy dash
🌒 Waxing crescent moon
🌔 Waxing gibbous moon
🙀 Weary cat
😩 Weary face
💒 Wedding
🐋 Whale
☸ Wheel of dharma
♿ Wheelchair symbol
⚪ White circle
❕ White exclamation mark
🏳 White flag
💮 White flower
🦳 White hair
⬜ White large square
◻ White medium square
◽ White medium-small square
❔ White question mark
▫ White small square
🔳 White square button
🥀 Wilted flower
🎐 Wind chime
🌬 Wind face
🍷 Wine glass
😉 Winking face
😜 Winking face with tongue
🐺 Wolf
👩 Woman
👫 Woman and man holding hands
👩🎨 Woman artist
👩🚀 Woman astronaut
🚴♀️ Woman biking
⛹️♀️ Woman bouncing ball
🙇♀️ Woman bowing
🤸♀️ Woman cartwheeling
🧗♀️ Woman climbing
👷♀️ Woman construction worker
👩🍳 Woman cook
💃 Woman dancing
🕵️♀️ Woman detective
🧝♀️ Woman elf
🤦♀️ Woman facepalming
👩🏭 Woman factory worker
🧚♀️ Woman fairy
👩🌾 Woman farmer
👩🚒 Woman firefighter
🙍♀️ Woman frowning
🧞♀️ Woman genie
🙅♀️ Woman gesturing NO
🙆♀️ Woman gesturing OK
💇♀️ Woman getting haircut
💆♀️ Woman getting massage
🏌️♀️ Woman golfing
💂♀️ Woman guard
👩⚕️ Woman health worker
🧘♀️ Woman in lotus position
🧖♀️ Woman in steamy room
👩⚖️ Woman judge
🤹♀️ Woman juggling
🏋️♀️ Woman lifting weights
🧙♀️ Woman mage
👩🔧 Woman mechanic
🚵♀️ Woman mountain biking
👩💼 Woman office worker
👩✈️ Woman pilot
🤾♀️ Woman playing handball
🤽♀️ Woman playing water polo
👮♀️ Woman police officer
🙎♀️ Woman pouting
🙋♀️ Woman raising hand
🚣♀️ Woman rowing boat
🏃♀️ Woman running
👩🔬 Woman scientist
🤷♀️ Woman shrugging
👩🎤 Woman singer
👩🎓 Woman student
🦸♀️ Woman superhero
🦹♀️ Woman supervillain
🏄♀️ Woman surfing
🏊♀️ Woman swimming
👩🏫 Woman teacher
👩💻 Woman technologist
💁♀️ Woman tipping hand
🧛♀️ Woman vampire
🚶♀️ Woman walking
👳♀️ Woman wearing turban
🧕 Woman with headscarf
🧟♀️ Woman zombie
👩🦲 Woman: bald
👱♀️ Woman: blond hair
👩🦱 Woman: curly hair
👩🦰 Woman: red hair
👩🦳 Woman: white hair
👢 Woman’s boot
👚 Woman’s clothes
👒 Woman’s hat
👡 Woman’s sandal
👭 Women holding hands
👯♀️ Women with bunny ears
🤼♀️ Women wrestling
🚺 Women’s room
🥴 Woozy face
🗺 World map
😟 Worried face
🎁 Wrapped gift
🔧 Wrench
✍ Writing hand