💗 Growing Heart Emoji Meanings – Instant Copy and Paste

The Growing Heart emoji 💗, often referred to as the “Growing Pink Heart,” is a symbol of deep affection, love, and the growth of strong emotions. It conveys the idea that love is continuously expanding and evolving, just like a heart that is steadily increasing in size.


Emoji History

The Growing Heart emoji 💗 was introduced in 2010 as part of Unicode 6.0. Since then, it has become a popular choice for expressing love and care in digital communication. Its soft pink color and heart shape make it an ideal representation of ever-growing love.

Emoji General Information

NameGrowing Heart 💗
AliasGrowing Pink Heart
MeaningLove and Growth

Unicode Category Information

The Growing Heart emoji 💗 falls under the “Hearts” category in Unicode.

Unicode CategoryDescription
HeartsEmojis representing hearts

Emoji Character Encoding Data

Here are the technical details for the Growing Heart emoji 💗:

Apple NamePink Heart Growing in Size
Also Known AsGrowing Pink Heart, Expanding Heart
Shortcodes:heartpulse:, :sparkling_heart:
Relevant Emojis❤️, 💓, 💖, 💞

What does mean by growing heart emoji from a guy or girl?

The 💗 Growing Heart emoji is used to express a sense of increasing love, appreciation, warmth, gratitude, affection, and care. It can be send from Guy or girls.

Bottom Line

The Growing Heart emoji 💗 represents love that grows and evolves over time. Whether you want to express your affection for someone or convey the idea that your love is continuously expanding, this emoji is the perfect choice to add a touch of heartfelt emotion to your messages. 💗

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