Explore a collection of sad emojis for every emotion. 😢 Let these expressive symbols convey your feelings effortlessly. Copy and paste the emojis below to share your emotions with ease. 😰
Sad Emojis
To copy the complete list, simply click on the Copy button.
😢 Crying face
😥 Disappointed but relieved face
😪 Sleepy face
😭 Loudly crying face
😞 Disappointed face
😒 Unamused face
😟 Worried face
😠 Angry face
😕 Confused face
🙁 Slightly frowning face
☹️ White frowning face
🥺 Pleading face
😣 Persevering face
😖 Confounded face
😫 Tired face
😩 Weary face
😨 Fearful face
😰 Face with open mouth and cold sweat
😦 Frowning face with open mouth
😧 Anguished face
🙄 Face with rolling eyes

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