To copy the complete 'YES' list, simply click on the copy button.
English: yes
Spanish: sí
French: oui
German: ja
Italian: sì
Portuguese: sim
Dutch: ja
Swedish: ja
Norwegian: ja
Danish: ja
Finnish: kyllä
Russian: да (da)
Chinese (Mandarin): 是 (shì)
Japanese: はい (hai)
Korean: 네 (ne)
Arabic: نعم (naam)
Hindi: हाँ (haan)
Bengali: হাঁ (haan)
Turkish: evet
Polish: tak
Vietnamese: có
Thai: ใช่ (châi)
Greek: ναι (ne)
Czech: ano
Hungarian: igen
Romanian: da
Ukrainian: так (tak)
Hebrew: כן (ken)
Persian (Farsi): بله (baleh)
Malay: ya
Indonesian: ya
Filipino: oo
Swahili: ndiyo
Zulu: yebo
Afrikaans: ja
Icelandic: já
Irish: tá
Scottish Gaelic: tha
Welsh: ie
Basque: bai
Catalan: sí
Galician: si
Estonian: jah
Latvian: jā
Lithuanian: taip
Slovak: áno
Slovenian: ja
Albanian: po
Maltese: iva
Macedonian: да (da)
Bosnian: da
Serbian: да (da)
Croatian: da
Montenegrin: да (da)
Georgian: დიახ (diakh)
Armenian: այո (ayvo)
Azerbaijani: bəli
Kazakh: иә (iä)
Uzbek: ha
Tajik: ҳа (ha)
Kyrgyz: жок (zhok)
Turkmen: hök
Pashto: هو (hu)
Sindhi: هو (hu)
Uighur: ھەئە (häye)
Nepali: हो (ho)
Sinhala: ඔවුන් (ovun)
Malagasy: eny
Hausa: e
Yoruba: bẹẹni
Igbo: ee
Haitian Creole: wi
Amharic: አዎ (awo)
Oromo: haa
Somali: haa
Maori: ae
Hawaiian: ʻae
Samoan: io
Tongan: ‘oia
Fijian: io
Marshallese: eo
Palauan: e
Chamorro: hao
Tahitian: e
Bislama: yes
Fijian Hindi: hā
Guarani: he’í
Quechua: arí
Mapudungun: fei
Nahuatl: qualli
Navajo: hózhǫ́ǫ́gi
Inuktitut: ᐊᔭᖅ (aajaa)
Greenlandic: arnaq
Xhosa: ewe
Tswana: e e
Sesotho: ea
Shona: ehe
Tigrinya: እወ (ewi)
Wolof: waaw
Sotho: ee
Maldivian: މިހިރު (mihihuraa)
Punjabi: ਹਾਂ (haan)
Gujarati: હા (ha)
Kannada: ಹೌದು (haudu)
Tamil: ஆம் (aam)
Telugu: అవును (avunu)
Malayalam: അതെ (athe)
Marathi: होय (hoy)
Odia: ହଁ (haan)
Assamese: হোঁ (hom)
Kashmiri: अरि (ari)
Konkani: हो (ho)
Maithili: हाँ (haan)
Santali: हा (haa)
Sindhi: هاڻ (haan)
Dari: بله (baleh)
Mongolian: тийм (tiim)
Kirundi: ewe
Kinyarwanda: yego
Swazi: yebo
Tsonga: yebo
Tswana: ee e
Venda: yebo
Ndebele: yebo
Xitsonga: yebo
Chewa: ndiyo
Tumbuka: eyo
Dinka: ee
Akan: aane
Ewe: eyi
Ga: eyi
Siswati: yebo
Setswana: ee
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Yes in 100 Languages
Embark on a linguistic journey and discover the word “Yes” in 100+ language with this copy-and-paste compilation. From English to Spanish, French to Mandarin, and countless other languages, experience the global affirmation of “Yes” expressed in diverse ways.
Whether you’re expanding your language skills or simply celebrating cultural diversity, this collection invites you to embrace the universal spirit of agreement and positivity. Copy and paste this linguistic treasure trove to share the joy of “Yes” across borders and connect with people around the world through the power of language.