To copy the complete list, simply click on the Copy the symbol. This will copy the entire list to your clipboard, allowing you to paste it wherever you need it.
- 🅐
- 🅑
- 🅒
- 🅓
- 🅔
- 🅕
- 🅖
- 🅗
- 🅘
- Ⓐ
- Ⓑ
- Ⓒ
- Ⓓ
- Ⓔ
- Ⓕ
- Ⓖ
- Ⓗ
- Ⓘ
- ⓐ
- ⓑ
- ⓒ
- ⓓ
- ⓔ
- ⓕ
- ⓖ
- ⓗ
- ⓘ
- •
- ‣
- ⁃
- ⁌
- ⁍
- «
- »
- ◘
- ◦
- ⦾
- ⦿
- ✓
- ✕
- ✖
- ►
- ◄
- ☚
- ☛
- ☟
- ❃
- ❀
- ✿
- ❁
- ✾
- ◈
- ∴
- ∵
- ∷
- ❂
- ☢
- ⊗
- ⚫
- ⚪
- ➡
- ➼
- ⓪
- ①
- ②
- ③
- ④
- ⑤
- ⑥
- ⑦
- ⑧
- ⑨
- ➊
- ➋
- ➌
- ➍
- ➎
- ➏
- ➐
- ➑
- ➒
Bullet Point Symbols
Symbol | Emoji/Symbols Meaning |
🅐 | Cursive letter A |
🅑 | Cursive letter B |
🅒 | Cursive letter C |
🅓 | Cursive letter D |
🅔 | Cursive letter E |
🅕 | Cursive letter F |
🅖 | Cursive letter G |
🅗 | Cursive letter H |
🅘 | Cursive letter I |
Ⓐ | Enclosed A |
Ⓑ | Enclosed B |
Ⓒ | Enclosed C |
Ⓓ | Enclosed D |
Ⓔ | Enclosed E |
Ⓕ | Enclosed F |
Ⓖ | Enclosed G |
Ⓗ | Enclosed H |
Ⓘ | Enclosed I |
ⓐ | Enclosed a |
ⓑ | Enclosed b |
ⓒ | Enclosed c |
ⓓ | Enclosed d |
ⓔ | Enclosed e |
ⓕ | Enclosed f |
ⓖ | Enclosed g |
ⓗ | Enclosed h |
ⓘ | Enclosed i |
• | Bullet |
‣ | Triangle bullet |
⁃ | Hyphen bullet |
⁌ | Left square bracket with tick in top corner |
⁍ | Right square bracket with tick in bottom corner |
« | Left double angle quotation mark |
» | Right double angle quotation mark |
◘ | Inverse bullet |
◦ | White bullet |
⦾ | Circle bullet |
⦿ | Large circle bullet |
✓ | Checkmark |
✕ | Multiplication cross |
✖ | Multiplication X |
► | Right-pointing triangle |
◄ | Left-pointing triangle |
☚ | Left-pointing index finger |
☛ | Right-pointing index finger |
☟ | Down-pointing index finger |
❃ | Floral heart |
❀ | White flower |
✿ | Hibiscus |
❁ | Floral asterisk |
✾ | Eight-petalled outlined black florette |
◈ | Four diamond asterisk |
∴ | Therefore |
∵ | Because |
∷ | Proportion |
❂ | Circled dot |
☢ | Radioactive |
⊗ | Circled times |
⚫ | Black circle |
⚪ | White circle |
➡ | Rightwards arrow |
➼ | Three rightwards arrows |
⓪ | Enclosed 0 |
① | Enclosed 1 |
② | Enclosed 2 |
③ | Enclosed 3 |
④ | Enclosed 4 |
⑤ | Enclosed 5 |
⑥ | Enclosed 6 |
⑦ | Enclosed 7 |
⑧ | Enclosed 8 |
⑨ | Enclosed 9 |
➊ | Number 1 in circle |
➋ | Number 2 in circle |
➌ | Number 3 in circle |
➍ | Number 4 in circle |
➎ | Number 5 in circle |
➏ | Number 6 in circle |
➐ | Number 7 in circle |
➑ | Number 8 in circle |
➒ | Number 9 in circle |

Bullet point symbols are typographical symbols or glyphs used to introduce items in a list. They are used to make lists more readable and organized. The bullet symbol can take any of a variety of shapes, such as a middle dot symbol (•), square, diamond, arrow, bullet symbol (⁍), and more.
Enhance your content with stylish bullet point symbols like ⦿, ➡, ✓, ◈ and many more. Add visual appeal and organization to your lists by copy-pasting these unique symbols. Make your content visually striking and engaging, capturing the attention of your readers.
Use these bullet point symbols to highlight important information, create eye-catching lists, or bring a touch of creativity to your writing. Let your content shine with these captivating bullet point symbols.