- ©
- ®
- ™
- ℠
- ℡
- ℗
- ‱
- ‰
- ℀
- ℁
- ℅
- ℆
- ⅍
- №
- ☊
- ☎
- ☏
- ⌨
- ✁
- ✂
- ✃
- ✄
- ✆
- ✇
- ✈
- ✉
- ✎
- ✏
- ✐
- ✑
- ✒
- §
- ¶
- ☞
- ☛
- ☟
- ☜
- ☚
- ✍️
- ✌️
- ☝️
Copyright, Trademark, Law, Office Signs Copy and Paste
Symbol | Emoji/Symbols Meaning |
© | Copyright symbol |
® | Registered symbol |
™ | Trademark symbol |
℠ | Service mark symbol |
℡ | Telephone sign |
℗ | Sound recording copyright symbol |
‱ | Per-ten-thousand sign |
‰ | Per-mille sign |
℀ | Account of sum |
℁ | Account of difference |
℅ | Care of symbol |
℆ | Cada una symbol |
⅍ | Apl functional symbol quad |
№ | Numero sign |
☊ | Music symbol |
☎ | Telephone symbol |
☏ | White telephone symbol |
⌨ | Keyboard symbol |
✁ | Upper blade scissors |
✂ | Lower blade scissors |
✃ | Lower blade scissors in a frame |
✄ | Upper blade scissors in a frame |
✆ | Telephone location sign |
✇ | Benzene ring |
✈ | Airplane symbol |
✉ | Envelope symbol |
✎ | Pencil symbol |
✏ | Pencil and straightedge symbol |
✐ | Horizontal straightedge |
✑ | Vertical straightedge |
✒ | Insertion mark |
§ | Section sign |
¶ | Paragraph sign |
☞ | White right pointing index |
☛ | White right pointing index (reverse) |
☟ | White down pointing index |
☜ | White left pointing index |
☚ | White left pointing index (reverse) |
✍️ | Writing hand |
✌️ | Victory hand Emoji |
☝️ | Index pointing up |
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Enhance your legal documents and presentations with ease using copy-paste copyright, trademark, office and law icons. Simplify the process of symbolizing intellectual property protection and legal authority. Access a diverse collection of icons representing copyrights, trademarks, and the legal field, allowing you to convey professionalism and authenticity.
These icons are readily available for seamless integration into your digital projects, saving you time and effort. Elevate your visual communication and make a strong impression with the power of copy-paste copyright, trademark, and law icons.